Kiltrough lurchers working dog show donation

We originally attended the Kiltrough lurchers working dog show in August to support a great cause and have done every year since it started.
It is a great benefit to attend shows like this to raise awareness about our organization , water safety on our waterways and in particular animal rescue  protocols in which we attend regularly. 
Tonight we received an unexpected visit from the organizers Jed & Trisha Donagh to our boathouse.Jed , Trisha , Johnathan and Sam got a tour of our facility , insight into the organization ,services provided to the community not just locally but nationally and a look at the range of equipment needed to run the service.
Following the tour Jed & Trisha then presented a cheque of 1000 euro to assist and support with maintaining of the life saving services we provide to the community.
We would like to say a massive thank you to not only Jed & Trisha but everyone who attended their event to raise the funds to support vital services like ourselves.